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Conservation Commission Minutes 09/20/06

Present for the Conservation Commission and attending the meeting were:  Richard Steves, Chair, Pam Goff, Russell Maloney, Ray Kellman, Virginia Dyer, Bruce Bartels, Rusty Walton, Conservation Officer and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Also attending was Scott Bermudes.  Absent was David Flanders.    

Mr. Steves opening the meeting at 1:30 PM and announced the Commission would make a site visit to 458 North Road; AP 26-55.

GLENN PROVOST FOR CHRIS WHITE CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARING NOI SE 12 – 519; AP 271-101:  Mr. Steves opened the continued public hearing at 2:00 PM and was informed that the applicant, Glenn Provost requests a continuance to October 4, 2006 @ 2:15 PM.  A motion to grant the continuance was made, seconded and unanimously approved.

Mr. Steves read the Request for Determination of Applicability application to remove and replace the existing deck on the pond’s edge, repair the ground level deck off the dining room, repair the chimney, replace the raised deck railing and remove and replace the cedar roof shingles.  The observations made at the site visit were discussed.  The Conservation Officer recommended the following protective measures because of the proximity of the work to the pond:  install a snow fence and silt fence to control runoff into the pond, suspend deer fencing over the pond’s edge to catch any falling debris and have the construction debris stored in a covered dumpster on a daily basis.  After discussion a motion for a negative determination with the Conservation Officer’s recommended conditions was made, seconded and approved with a vote of five in favor with one abstention (Ms. Dyer).

ADMINISTRATION:  Mr. Walton informed the Commission that a phragmites removal project would commence in the near future along Doctor’s Creek on Chilmark Pond.  A combination of glove application and a cut and drip method of applying Rodeo will be used to control the continued growth.

MINUTES:  The meeting minutes for 9/6/06 were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes as presented was made, seconded and unanimously approved.  

SIGNATURES:  The required signatures were performed on the Ameen negative Determination of Applicability.

With no further business to conduct the meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM.  

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson; C.A.S.